Palliative Care

Palliative Care: Discuss the role of palliative care in cancer treatment, focusing on improving quality of life for patients

What is palliative care?
Palliative medicine is a specialized medical treatment that focuses on relief of pain and other symptoms of serious illness. It helps you cope with the side effects of medical treatment. Goals of palliative care are to: Maximize the quality of life, provide relief from pain and other medical symptoms, provide psychosocial and spiritual care, and provide support to the family during the patient’s illness and in their subsequent bereavement.


What’s the role of palliative care in the cancer treatment?
Palliative care addresses physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of the patients and their family members. It starts from the start of the cancer diagnosis, throughout the treatment and later too. Palliative care is provided whether the patient is receiving curative treatment or palliative treatment.

Is Palliative care and End of life care same?
Many people assume Palliative care and End of life care are the same. As discussed above, palliative care begins from the start of diagnosis and continues throughout the treatment and follow-up, whereas end of life care, also known as hospice care, focuses on the quality of life, care, and comfort of the patients who are approaching the end of their lives.